Feature allows you
to connect directly
with your supporters
Easily Connect
Directly to Your
Fans and entertainers
have never been more
Feature showcases the newest technology in the entire digital social marketplace. Fans and entertainers have never been more connected.
Do What You
Love. Make
Money Now
Make Money
as an Artist
on Feature
Gain Revenue
Generate Revenue
Seamless integration within the app to create virtual or in-person events and sell access passes right from the app.
100 %
5.36 Billion livestream’s per day in the U.S. alone.
Join Feature and Start Making Money
Simplified Booking
Seamless integration within the app to create virtual or in-person events and sell access passes right from the app.
Join Feature and Start
Making Money
93 %
Growing fast. Live video grew with an average viewing time of 26.4 minutes per session.
Live Broadcasts
Set your own rules, charge for a boradcast or free with tip incentive from fans.